Navarro in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is accompanied by a horde of minions which must be slain until Nate chases him down into a boring quick-time event that takes control away from the player.
#Uncharted 3 game script series
The preceding final bosses in the Uncharted series were rather lackluster at best and annoyingly frustrating at worst.

Talbot's hallucinogens strike at Nate's friend Charlie Cutter and later, Nate himself, making the hero think Sully has died. While Marlowe is the big bad with a plan who has history with Nate and Sully, Talbot possesses far more agency in the main campaign and comes closer to earning Nate's wrath. Talbot has a major presence throughout, being encountered multiple times, not only in cutscenes but in gameplay as well. Talbot contrasts with previous villains of the series, who would either be taken out in a cutscene or are only directly fought at the very end of the game. Not only is he a capable hand-to-hand fighter and free-runner like Nate, his extreme loyalty to Marlowe strongly resembles that of Nate's own loyalty to Sully. Talbot acts as a dark mirror to Nate more so than any other antagonist in the series. Marlowe's right-hand man, Talbot, acts as her field leader and is the direct instigator of many major events and set-pieces in the game. Throughout Drake's Deception, Nate and his friends face off against a secret order of British spies and assassins led by Sully's old lover, Katherine Marlowe.

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#Uncharted 3 game script how to
It wouldn't be until Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception that the series finally nailed down how to do a final boss fight in a game like this one. If they aren't military vehicles that require explosive weaponry, then they are either annoying bullet sponges that don't play to the cinematic strengths of the game or are lame quick-time events that take the player out of the game. While hailed for its stunning presentation and hectic, explosive gunplay mixed with fist-fights and platforming, the Uncharted series has often struggled with boss fights that befit the series' larger-than-life villains.

A modern-day Indiana Jones, Drake has battled a massive rogues' gallery of pirates, mercenaries and would-be conquerors in his many journeys into lost ancient cities. The series is famous for its cinematic style, showcasing a memorable cast of characters as they go through many trials and dangers in exciting, fully controllable set-pieces.
#Uncharted 3 game script movie
The announcement of the Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland as the iconic swashbuckling treasure hunter Nathan Drake has led to Naughty Dog's beloved action-adventure series receiving newfound attention, especially with Sony's announcement of the Legacy of Thieves Collection on PC.